Advanced Configuration

This is an example of a more advanced AI configuration file.

  model: gpt-4
  temperature: 0

  - name: OPENAI_API_KEY
  - name: SERPER_API_KEY

  - name: Calculator
    type: llm-math

  - name: Search Engine
    description: use this tool for current events and up-to-date general information
    type: google_serper_api

  - name: awscli (aws cli) command line tool
    type: aws-cli

  - name: kubectl command line tool
    type: kubectl

  - name: Release Tool (release api)
    type: release

  - name: Cron Jobs Tool
    type: cron

Available tools

The following is a list of tools you can configure to use with the Release AI.

  - name: Calculator
    type: llm-math
  - name: Search Engine
    type: google_serper_api
  - name: awscli (aws cli) command line tool
    type: aws-cli
  - name: kubectl command line tool
    type: kubectl
  - name: Cron (cron jobs) tool
    type: cron
  - name: Release Tool (release api)
    type: release

Managing Release AI configurations

Creating a configuration file

To create a basic config file, use the CLI config-init command.

release ai config-init --api-key YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY_HERE

This will generate a file called tools.yaml in your ~/.release/ folder, for upload to the Release backend.

Uploading a configuration file

To upload a Release AI configuration file, run release ai config-upsert.

To select the Release AI configuration file for use, run release ai config-select.

Modifying a configuration file

You can modify the Release AI configuration file. To upload the new version, run release ai config-upsert --path tools2.yaml --name tools2.

Selecting a configuration file

Select which Release AI configuration file to use with release ai config-select.

Deleting a configuration file

Delete a Release AI configuration file from the backend with release ai config-delete.

Last updated