release instances logs

Command reference doc for the Release CLI

Tail logs from a running instance


Tail logs from a running instance

If an --environment flag is not provided it can be selected interactively through a fuzzy finder interface.

If the INSTANCE argument is not provided it can be selected interactively through a fuzzy finder interface. If it is provided but matches more than one instance, the matching instances will be shown in the fuzzy finder.

release instances logs [INSTANCE] [flags]


Tail instance logs selecting the environment interactively:
> release instances logs

Tail instance logs in a specific app and environment:
> release instances logs --app web --environment staging

Tail instance logs for a specific service instance:
> release instances logs backend


--account <string>

Account name or ID (default: $RELEASE_ACCOUNT or "account" in config file)

--app <string>

App name or ID (default: $RELEASE_APP or "app" in config file)

--environment <string>

Environment handle or ID

Options inherited from parent commands

--config <string>

config file (default is $HOME/.release.yaml)


enable debug logging

Last updated